Communication training session in Ettadhamen
In order to implement the communication campaign properly, the Associative Action organized a 2 days training session related to the awareness and communication campaign, for the members of the municipality of Ettadhamen, as well as the members of local CSOs, between the 10th and 17th of May 2016.
During the training, the Associative Action trained the participants on the best practices to use with citizens, and proposed a design model for the communication tools. This model was the subject of debate and consultation between the members of the municipality and those of the local CSOs.
By the end of the training, a communication plan was developed identifying the quantity of communication tools that will be provided by Associative Action, the distribution of roles between the members of the municipality and the local CSOs for the execution of the awareness and communication campaign, as well as the dates and the deadline for each activity of the campaign.