Launching the Participatory Budgeting Process in Daouar Hicher, Ennour and Tataouine
Since the beginning of 2019, the experts of the Associative Action launched the process of the Participatory Budgeting (PB) in the 3 municipalities : Daouar Hicher, Ennour and Tataouine North.
This action is in the context of the extension of the implementation of the PB process, and to enlarge the network of the municipalities applying the PB in Tunisia.
To July 2019, the experts of Associative Action made successful meetings with the municipal officers and the local associations in the 3 partner municipalities, ans well as signed the PB conventions between municipalities and local NGOs.

Training of the citizen delegates of Tabarka, Kairouan et Mahdia
In order to ensure the success of the monitoring mission, the Associative Action organized, on March 2019, training sessions for the citizen delegates of the municipalities of Tabarka, Kairouan et Mahdia on the implementation process of the municipal projects. The technical services of the municipality as well as the local facilitators of the Participatory Budgeting attended these sessions.
The training presented all the administrative and on-the-ground steps related to the implementation of municipal projects. By the end of the training, every citizen delegate received a copy of a monitoring and evaluation guide of the municipal projects, edited by the Associative Action in collaboration with the technical services of each municipality.

Training on designing associative project for the Women Leaders
On July 2019, the Associative Action organized training sessions on the process of designing associative projects in the partner municipalities of “The Word to Women” project : Kairouan, Mahdia and Tabarka.
This training targeted the Women Leaders of the project in each city, and was facilitated by the expert of communication and participatory democracy : Kouraich Jaouahdou.
The training allowed the participants to understand the steps of designing a project, how to determine the objectives and the work axes, and how to identify the activities to make.

Training of the Scouts of Tunis on Participatory Diagnostic
On the 14th of May 2019, the Associative Action facilitated a meeting with the organization of the Scouts of Tunis, to introduce to them the Participatory Diagnostic tool.
This session organized by the municipality of Tunis, aimed to implement a Participatory Diagnostic of the needs of Tunis city, in partnership with the Scouts. The experts of Associative Action contributed provided their expertise to propose a methodology of work to the partners.
The Associative Action provided also, by the end of the session, a technical sheet of Participatory Diagnostic to the municipality of Tunis, which they will use during the process.