Category Archive National Project


Signature of the Participatory Democracy Charter in Gabès

In September 2018, the associative Action organized a training session related to the processes of the participatory democracy, to all the municipalities of the district of Gabès, in partnership with the local NGO “Organisation Volonté et Citoyenneté”.

By the end the training, 15 municipalities signed the Participatory Democracy Charter, that engages the new elected municipal councils to implement effective participatory processes including the citizens and the local CSOs, and which ensure transparency and accountability.

The following link provide a preview of the Participatory Democracy charters signed by some municipalities :

Formalization of the Participatory Budgeting process in the municipality of Sfax

Following the first experience of the municipality of Sfax in the implementation of the Participatory Budgeting  process, and for the  sustainability and continuity of this process, a meeting between members of the municipality of Sfax and representatives of the “Associative Action” organization took place in January 2016, during which, it was presented the guide of the Participatory Budgeting.

This guide was developed by the experts of the “Action Associative”.

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Travel d’Or prize for Astisans d’Art

In Mai 2017, the Associative Action was awarded the “Travel d’Or” for its mobile application “Artisans d’Art” developped in partnership with Orange Telecom. This application is designed for Tunisians craftsmen and producers of local alimentary products in Tunisia to better their access to the market.

In order to know more about “Artisans d’Art”, visit the following link :

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Artisans d’Art

Initiated from a fruitfull collaboration between “Associative Action” and Orange Developer Center, “Artisans d’Art” is an online platform developed to promote the job of Tunisian handicrafts and traditional local food products.

The platform is a place of meeting for handicrafters who possess the traditional know-how, rich and varied, transmitted from father to son, and it has the ambition to become the unavoidable marketplace for the promotion of the Tunisian handicrafts of all categories.

Artisans d'Art _ Application

You can find our application on :

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