Author Archive AAkouraich18

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Artisans d’Art

Initiated from a fruitfull collaboration between “Associative Action” and Orange Developer Center, “Artisans d’Art” is an online platform developed to promote the job of Tunisian handicrafts and traditional local food products.

The platform is a place of meeting for handicrafters who possess the traditional know-how, rich and varied, transmitted from father to son, and it has the ambition to become the unavoidable marketplace for the promotion of the Tunisian handicrafts of all categories.

Artisans d'Art _ Application

You can find our application on :

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Acces to Justice – Justice for All

Access to Justice – Justice for All is a program that aims to assist marginalized citizens who suffered from injustice, in order to defend their social & economic rights, as well as to rise citizen awareness related to the notions of citizenship and their main rights.

The program has been implemented over all the Tunisian territory and covered the 24 Tunisian governorates between 2012 and 2015.

* Currently, we only have a french presentation of the program


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